021-35246225-7 info@eclinics.pk Mon - Fri: 9.00am - 11.00pm

Stretch Marks Removal

  • Stretch marks are a type of scarring that occurs after your skin quickly stretches or shrinks. They often come about due to pregnancy, weight gain, weight loss, and bodybuilding. Treatment options at our clinic include laser skin resurfacing, dermabrasion, micro-needling, and retinol creams.

    What are stretch marks?

    Stretch marks (striae) are slightly sunken (depressed), discolored, and scar-like lines in your skin. They appear when your skin quickly stretches or shrinks.

    Stretch marks usually appear on your:
    • Thighs.
    • Hips.
    • Breasts (boobs).
    • Abdominal area (stomach).
    • Upper arms.
    • Buttocks (butt).
    • Lower back.

Stretch Marks Treatment?

In common, treating stretch marks is difficult. The treatment enhances the appearance of stretch marks, but they might not go away completely. Addressing your stretch marks when they first show produces the best results. Older, deep stretch marks may be more difficult to treat. But at our clinic, we have some of the best treatment options available to help you boost your confidence. Some treatment options include:

Dermabrasion is a type of surgery. Our experienced healthcare provider uses a specialized instrument to scrape away your stretch marks. The process enhances your skin contour and results in a smooth new skin.

Laser skin resurfacing
Laser skin resurfacing is a type of surgery. Our experienced and professional medical provider directs short, intense, pulsating beams of light on your stretch marks. The laser eliminates layers of your skin very precisely, which stimulates the growth of new collagen fibers to create smoother skin. You should see an instant difference after treatment. Your skin can continue to enhance for up to a year, and the improvement may last for several years.

During micro needling, our experts poke your skin with thin needles. The tiny holes stimulate the growth of new collagen and elastin fibers to produce firmer skin. Most people need between three and six treatments to see results. Some might see full, complete results within four to six months. But it may take longer.

Who do stretch marks impact?

Anyone can get stretch marks. But you’re more expected to develop stretch marks if: • You suddenly gain or lose a lot of weight. • Your muscles get bigger quickly through bodybuilding or weightlifting. • You’re pregnant. • You’ve been on prednisone for a long time. • You have a family history of stretch marks (genetics). • You have Cushing’s syndrome or Marfan syndrome. • You’re experiencing a growth spurt during adolescence.

How do stretch marks affect your body?

Stretch marks don’t hurt, but they can impact your mental health. They can make you bothered about how others look at you. They can also influence how you think about yourself and your behavior. You may feel stress, anxiety, and depression.

What causes stretch marks?

When your skin quickly stretches or shrinks, it affects the elastin and collagen in your skin to break. Elastin’s main role is to permit your skin to stretch. Collagen’s main role is to offer structure, strength, and support to your skin. As your skin settles, stretch marks become visible in areas where elastin breaks.

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For appointments and more information

  • info@eclinics.pk
  • 021-35246225-7
  • A-205/ll Saba Avenue Phase VllI DHA, Karachi, Pakistan
